Quones (page 2)

Driving down this somewhat winding road I next encounter the following sign.

OK.  Is someone in Saratoga a wise guy?  (Is it a giant 22 miles per hour sign next to a baby 25 miles per hour sign?  Or is it just perspective?  I prefer to think the former.)

Fine.  Whatever.  I proceed down the road.  Carefully.  At, er, 22 mph.  Still keeping an eye out for that nest of cones.

Erm.   19 mph?

This is some gradual speed trap, I guess.

OK, I continue on in my quest, perplexed.  What could be around the next corner?

A 21 mph sign!   Great!  Chris Franks has led me on a search for cones in the Bizarro World. 

I see something off to the left.  Do you see it?



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