One lone cone. I couldn't even figure out why it was standing there. (I think there's a trip hazard in the sidewalk.) Pretty lame, but hey, it's all in a day's work for a cone.
Warning. This bike path suddenly turns into parking spaces. (I arrived here about half an hour after those parking spaces were painted there.) News flash! Apparently in the last couple of days, the city has, in a move of real ingenuity, decided to ban parking in these new spaces! Why? Because it would be dangerous to people trying to use the bike path! Uhh. Maybe a few more cones would make it less dangerous.
OK, no cones in this one. But I just want to know what bozo planted a tree in the middle of the street. Perhaps there should be a CONE OR TWO to indicate that oops, you're going to hit a tree. But nooooo, the cones are all busily occupied in useless other places (or maybe that guy with the cones on his truck stole them from here.)
No cones here either. But it's a big toilet paper sale in the parking lot of the Safeway! How could I pass up a picture of that? You notice that there is not a big enough crowd to require any cones to keep them away. (See, you can always bring anything back around to the subject of cones.)
Aughhh! Cone mass murder! (Or suicide.) A couple of them are left standing. Maybe they're warning you not to trip over all of the other sleeping cones. Is this some weird kind of flock behavior?
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